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मेरी फ़ोटो
I am a postgraduate in Zoology and having been in Medical profession for last 25 years. I am a hobby writer and journalist and published a few books viz., Uttarakhand Travel Journal( Both in Hindi and English languages as eBook editions and are avail with WWW.kdp.amazon.com .I have worked under several qualified MBBS, MD and M.S and BAMS doctors for several years and also run retail and wholesale pharmacy and small nursing home . I served as pharmacy supervisor at Kalptaru Pharmacy , HIHT, Jolley Grant,Dehradun for a brief period. A travel web site i.e., www.uttarakhandexpeditions.com is run by me. I am working on a bilingual medical guide (Hindi-English) book titled as Common Diseases and Treatment will be released shortly for the benefits of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and medical students of all pathies (Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Unani). The blog is based on the book.

शनिवार, 8 मई 2021

Immunity Booster Milk Recipe

Essential Ingredients

1.      Cow Milk - 1 Glass

2.      Raw Turmeric - 1 Piece

3.      Almond - 5

4.      Funnel Seed - One Tea Spoonful

5.      Green Cardamom - 2

6.      Dry dates - 3

7.      Raisin 0r  Munnakka – 6

8.      Cashew Nut - 3 or  4

9.      Walnut – 1



Milk is an emulsion or colloid of milk fat globule (MFG) within a water-based fluid that contains dissolved carbohydrates and protein aggregates with minerals.  The gross composition of cow's milk consists of roughly water, Calcium - 28%, Vitamin D - 24% 4.9% Lactose (Lactose is composed of glucose and galactose -  Lactase, an enzyme, splits lactose into glucose and galactose ), 3.4% fat, 3.3% protein, and 0.7% minerals ). Milk is also a good source of vitamin A, magnesium, zinc and thiamine (B1). The composition of milk varies depending on the species of cow i.e., Holstein, Jersey or Local goat, sheep, and type of feed, and the stage of lactation.

Milk is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Cold milk prevents acidity, linoleic acid that helps in weight loss. It is a good source of  vitamin B12 that protects the central nervous system. Moreover, milk is the highest source of calcium and vitamin D and helps bones; being a rich source of vitamin A, maintains a healthy immune system, fights diseases, disorders, reduce stress and tiredness. Milk is rich source of proteins and one glass of milk consists of 8 gm of proteins and hence builds muscles.

The anti-oxidants help prevent oxidative damage in the body. This damage can occur when too many free radicals accumulate. Free radicals result from natural bodily processes and environmental stresses. The body can eliminate many of them, but dietary anti-oxidants help remove them.  Elevated levels of free radicals can cause oxidative stress resulting in damage to cells. This can lead to various diseases and disorders in the body.            

Raw Turmeric (Kachi Haldi )

Hundreds of components have been isolated from turmeric. The main component of the root is turmerone, and curcuminoids. Curcuminoids consist of curcumin demethoxycurcumin, 5’-methoxycurcumin, and dihydrocurcumin,. The rhizomes are also reported to contain four new polysaccharides - ukonans along with stigmasterole, β-sitosterole, cholesterol, and 2-hydroxymethyl anthraquinone.

Turmeric as an herbal drug for rheumatoid arthritis, chronic anterior uveitis, conjunctivitis, skin cancer, smallpox, chickenpox, wound healing, urinary tract infections, liver, and digestive disorders; to reduce flatus, loss of appetite, jaundice, menstrual difficulties, and colic; for abdominal pain and distension. It has anti-inflammatory, choleretic, antimicrobial, and carminative actions. It was also used for inflammatory bowel disease (IBS)). It is now widely accepted as an anti-cancer because of Curcumin, an active ingredient. 


    Almond is rich in protein, fiber, vitamin E, calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese , vitamin D, iron, potassium, zinc and the B vitamins i.e. riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, foliate, and vitamin K. It contains both unsaturated and saturated fatty acids. Vitamin E is an anti-oxidant that can help stop the oxidization process that causes cholesterol to clog the arteries.

Almond has a number of volatile essential oils which inhibit the growth of viruses, bacteria, fungus, and mold. And its anti-inflammatory properties limit pain and swelling, especially in mucus membranes, the mouth, and throat. It improves breathing. It is good for those having gluten and lactose intolerance, they can drink almond milk. It helps in strengthening the bones and muscles

Fennel seed

The plant contains more than 87 volatile compounds, including the polyphenol antioxidants, rosmarinic acid, chlorogenic acid, quercetin, and apigenin . Fennel seeds provide important nutrients, such as vitamin C, A, E, K, Foliate, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium,  manganese, zinc, selenium, and Iron. The fennel is a good source of anti-oxidants like chlorogenic acid, limonene, and quercetin.

Fennel has anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties and may improve mental health, indigestion, constipation, wound healing, pain, gout, fever, cough and relieve and reduce inflammation.

Green Cardamom

The spicy pod consist of a variety of essential volatile oils such as pinene, sabinene, myrcene, phellandrene, limonene, 1, 8-cineole, terpinene, p-cymene, terpinolene, linalool, linalyl acetate, terpinen-4-oil, a-terpineol, a-terpineol acetate, citronellol, nerol, geraniol, methyl eugenol, and trans-nerolidol. A more recent article has reported 1,8-cineole, terpinen-4-ol, α-terpineol, dl-limonene, nerolidol, 4-terpineol, δ-terpineol, δ-3-carene, β-myrcene, germacrene D, α-terpinene, linalool, and longifolenaldehydeas. The green cardamom is particularly rich in oxygenated monoterpenes.

It has gut modulatory, anti-oxidant, blood pressure lowering, diuretic, and sedative, gastro-protective, anti-microbial, anti-platelet, epileptic and anti-cancer properties. It may improve breathing by stimulating better oxygen uptake and relaxing air passage to the lungs in humans. The extract may decrease elevated liver enzymes, triglyceride, cholesterol and high blood sugar levels. Cardamom is traditionally used in various gastrointestinal disorders, asthma, constipation, colic, diarrhea, dyspepsia, hypertension, epilepsy, cardiovascular and neuronal disorders.

Dry Dates 

Dry dates are good source of A, C, E, K, B2, B6, niacin, thymine, calcium, zinc, magnesium, fiber, and iron. It improves blood circulation. It is good for sciatica problem. Micronutrients are the nutrients the body needs in smaller amounts, such as vitamins and minerals. Dried dates are a better source of iron and calcium.

Raisin (Munakka)

            Raisin or Munakka consists of magnesium, potassium, fibers, vitamins and minerals. It is sweet in taste and is considered as the rich source of phenolic compounds and contains resveratrol, flavonoid, quercetin, catechins, procyanidins and anthocyanins.  It is especially good for sore throat, flu like symptoms, fever, and enhances hemoglobin in the body. Munakka is known as the “Tree of Life” because of its regenerative ability. It possesses anti-aging, anti-inflammation, anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, anti-tumor, cardiovascular and neuroprotective properties.

Cashew Nut       

      Cashew Nut is good source of protein. It contains polyunsaturated, saturated and monosaturated fatty acids. It is rich in vitamin B, E, K, copper, magnesium, zinc and manganese. Cashew is a good anti-oxidant and immunity booster. It provides instant energy. Cashews are low in sugar and rich in fiber, fats, and plant protein. They are good for brain, heart, bone, and immunity.


          Walnut provides healthy fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Walnut consists of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, sodium, potassium, vitamin C, B, E, magnesium, and iron. Due to melatonin and polyphenols, which are predominantly high in the papery skin of walnut and hence it has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces heart disease risk. A variety of compounds and nutrients in walnut may help decrease inflammation.

Immunity Booster Milk Recipe

First of all remove the seeds from dry dates and skin of raw turmeric. Now add ingredients like almonds, raisin or munkka, walnut, green cardamom, dry dates and raw turmeric in a mixer grinder and make a paste.

Put a glass of cow’s milk in a pan and add the paste in it. Boil slowly until the color turns yellow. Drink it as Luke warm at bedtime.  If you wish you can have a tablet of Ashwagandha (Himalayan drugs). It is not only a good nourishing drink but an immunity booster as well.




बुधवार, 28 अप्रैल 2021

Immunity Booster Tomato Soup Recipe - Against COVID -19

              Immunity Booster Tomato Soup Recipe

                       bE;wfuVh cwLVj VkseSVks lwi jsflih   

       VekVj lwi dh jsflih vklkuh ls cukbZ tk ldrh gSA vkt ds nkSj esa tcfd dksfoM&19 dk izdksi pkjksa vksj QSyk gS] rks ,sls esa “kjhj dh izfrjks/kd {kerk Ck<+kus ds fy, fHkUu&fHkUu mik; fd, tk jgs gSaA ;s u flQZ VekVj vfirq dbZ egRoiw.kZ elkyksa ls fufeZr gS] fygktk ;s ,d vPNk bE;wfuVh cwLVj jsflih gSA bls dksbZ Hkh cu ldrk gSA chekj O;fDr dks ;s fn;k tk ldrk gSA mlesa /;ku j[ksa fd elkys vf/kd u tkus ik,aA tks Mk;fcVht ls ihfM+r gSa ] muds lwi esa phuh u Mkyh tk,A 

vko”;d lkexzh ( Required Ingredients)

1    VekVj yky ids gq, &  vk/kk fdyksA

2.      gjhfepZ & 5 ;k 6 rh[khA

3.      gjk /kfu;k & FkksMk lkA

4.      I;kt & nks A

5.      yglqu& 6 ls 8 QyhA

6.      vnjd & nks VqdMsA

7.      dkyhfepZ & 1/4 NksVh pEepA

8.      ghax & FkksMk lkA

9.      eSFkh & FkksMk lkA

10.  Hkkax ds nkus &  ¼ pEepA

11.  lkSai & ,d cMh pEepA

12.  thjk& ,d cMk pEepA

13.  vtok;u & vk/kk pEepA

14.  bykbph & 3 ihlA

15.  ued & ,d pEepA

16.  gYnh & ,d pEepA

17.  /kfu;k & ,d cMk PkEepA

18.  Xkje elkyk & vk/kk pEepA

19.  phuh & nks NksVh pEepA

20.  fjQkbUM rsy & nks pEepA 

cukus dh fof/k  (Tomato Soup Recipe)

    loZizFke vk/kk fdyks ids gq, yky VekVj dk /kks dj izs”kjdqdj esa mCkky ysaA mcyus ds ckn VekVj ds fNyds mrkj dj mlds vUnj ds xqns dks vPNh rjg ihl ysaA vkSj ,d crZu esa j[k nsaA      

    I;kt dks Nhy dj ckjhd I;kt dks dkV ysa vkSj bls beke tLrs ;k feDlh oxSjg esa Mky ysaA vCk yglqu dks fNy dj bls Hkh I;kt ds lkFk Mky ysaA vnjd dks lkQ dj vkSj gjhfepZ Hkh dkV dj lcdks lkFk Mky dj ,d eghu isLV cuk yAsa 

gjs /kfu;sa dks ckjhd dkV ysaA

        ,d [kjy esa lkSai] thjk] ghax] vtok;u] bykbZph] EkSFkh] dkyhfepZ dks vPNh rjg ls ckjhd ihl ysaA

        ,d dVksjs esa cM+k pEep ihlk /kfu;k] ,d pEep gYnh] vk/kk pEep xje elkyk] ,d pEep ued ¼Loknkuqlkj½ dks xje ikuh Mky dj isLV cuk ysaA

        vc d<+kbZ esa nks pEep fjQkbUM rsy Mky dj /kheh vkap esa j[ksaA blesa [kjy ds elkysa dks Mky dj /khes & /khes HkwusA blesa I;kt okys isLV dks Mky vkSj FkksMk Hkwuus ds ckn mlesa fQj dVksjs esa cus elkys ds isLV dks Mkysa vkSj vPNh rjg tc Hkwu tk,a rks blesa VekVj Mky ysaA blesa nks pEep phuh Hkh Mky ldrs gSaA dVs gq, gjs /kfu;s dks Hkh Mky ysa vkSj ikuh dh ek=k vko”drkuqlkj Mky dj bls mckysaA

        mcys gq, VekVj lwi dks Nku ysa vkSj fQj Nus gq, lwi xje&xje loZ djsaA ckdh cps gqbZ lkexzh dks vU; [kkus esa mi;ksx dj ldrs gSaA

;g VekVj lwi “kjhj dh izfrjks/kd {kerk dks c<+krk gSA

VekVj A,E,C,K foVkfeu dk vPNk Jksr gSA blesa dkWij vkSj iksVf”k;e gksrk gS tks fd uoZl flLVe dks nq:Lr j[krk gSA bles foVkfeu vkSj dSfY”k;e gksrk gSA tks gfM~M;ksa ds fy, vPNk gksrk gSA ;s ,d vPNk ,VhvkWDlhMsUV gS tks fd blesa ik;s tkus okys ykbdksihu vkSj QySokWukWbM (lycopene and  flavonoid) ds dkj.k gksrk gS vkSj ;s dSalj tSls jksx dks Hkh nwj j[kus eas enn djrk gSA dzkWfe;e gksus ls ;s Mk;fcVht ds jksxh ds fy, Hkh ykHk nk;d gSA lsysfu;e rRo jDr izokg dks Ck<+kus esa lgk;d gSA lkFk gh VekVj [kkus ls ,fufe;k dk jksx utnhd ugha QVdus ikrkA D;ksafd VkWesVks lwi cukus esa dbZ vU; elkyksa dk lekos”k fd;k x;k gS] rks vkWojvkWy ;s ,d csrjghu bE;wfuVh cwLVj gSA

;s “kjhj dks QhV vkSj LoLFk j[kus esa  ennxkj gSA chp&chp esa VekVj dk lwi ihrs jguk pkfg,A

dqN chekfj;ksa tSls vYlj] xSLVkbfV~l] xkmV] fdMuh LVksu vkfn esa VekVj lwi ofTkZr gSA